2017 Screening Schedule

Saturday, October 7th, at the Holiday Inn Express in Apopka, Florida.

11:00am Within the Fray
11:23am Slit
11:30am Mecha
11:37am I Thank the State
11:51am Foreword
11:59am Doll
12:05pm Feeding Time
12:12pm Stealing
12:19pm IMA
12:38pm Hada
12:47pm Goodman
12:57pm Orpheize
1:08pm Moving In
1:10pm Claire & Bruno
1:33pm Save
1:37pm Adahy Tohopka
1:59pm A Scream That's Trapped Inside
2:14pm María Fernanda in Time
2:23pm Hope
2:35pm In/finite
2:57pm The Letters
3:15pm Chateau Sauvignon: terroir
3:28pm Father
3:38pm When the Howls Find Us
3:51pm Breaker
4:02pm Night Encounter
4:05pm Delusion
4:08pm Cogito
4:19pm Elly
4:29pm Fugazi
4:58pm Paradoxical
6:26pm In Here
6:28pm Hidden Devil
6:43pm Wake Up
6:45pm Earworm
6:50pm The Mothman Chronicles
7:10pm Adam Peiper
7:27pm Shadow of Mine
7:28pm Waking Dreams
7:48pm Long Live the King
8:55pm Festival Ends

Screening times are approximate. They may fluctuate slightly by a few minutes here or there depending on short Q&A's with attending filmmakers or brief discussions about the films.

New Genius
The Twin Within
Week of Blood
Ted's Score
The Gray Man
The Vermilion Hotel
Funny Devils
Hell on Neptune
Spy High Pilot
Goodbye God, I've Gone to Bodie
The Heart
Dorm Room Psycho
The Warning
Cajun Justice
Khaerawüd (The Dark Forest)
The Translator
Obstacle Corpse
I Am Starving
A Day in a Connected Life
Dakota Caves - 2 Miles
The Sleeping Deep
The Gingerbread House Protocol
Two Brothers, Ten Bodies
The Tell-Tale Art
Mentally Evil
Rear View
Meaningful Murders
Santa Klawn
Emily's Stars
Flipping the Score
Finding Cosmos 145
Even Steven
Final Hours
Dakota Caves - 2 Miles (feature)
Real True Crime
Visions of the Future
Alpha Omega
High Woods