2020 Screening Photos and Awards

Sorry no screening photos this year since we had an online event because of covid19.

Award Winners

"Love Me Tender" won 1st Place Micro Short!
"The Riemann Hypothesis" won 2nd Place Micro Short!
"Arris Remembers" won 3rd Place Micro Short!

"Red" won 1st Place Short!
"The Body" won 2nd Place Short!
"The Saverini Widow" won 3rd Place Short!

"Mae and The Sphere" won 1st Place Sci-Fi Short!
"Nocturne" won 2nd Place Sci-Fi Short!
"Never This World" won 3rd Place Sci-Fi Short!

"The Greatest Horror Film Ever Made" won 1st Place Horror Short!
"Nightfall" won 2nd Place Horror Short!
"Bad Seed" won 3rd Place Horror Short!

"The Cornfield" won 1st Place Suspense Short!
"Box Fort" won 2nd Place Suspense Short!
"Killing Small Animals" won 3rd Place Suspense Short!

"Cinema Red: Natives & Horror" won 1st Place Documentary Short!

"Static" won 1st Place Experimental Film!

The Shasta Triangle won 1st Place Sci-Fi Feature!

The Quiet Revolution: State, Society and the Canadian Horror Film won 1st Place Documentary Feature!

"DreamSlip" won 1st Place Short Script!
"VoiDead" won 2nd Place Short Script!
"New Moon 5280" won 3rd Place Short Script!

In Country won 1st Place Feature Script!
Over the Edge won 2nd Place Feature Script!
The Fiend won 3rd Place Feature Script!

"Nightfall" won 1st Place Best Director!
"The Greatest Horror Film Ever Made" won 2nd Place Best Director!
"Split" won 3rd Place Best Director!

"Soon Comes Night" won 1st Place Best Cinematographer!
"Hauschen - A Herança" won 2nd Place Best Cinematographer!
"Deadline" won 3rd Place Best Cinematographer!

"Killing Small Animals" won 1st Place Best Special Effects!
"Mae and The Sphere" won 2nd Place Best Special Effects!
"Derelict" won 3rd Place Best Special Effects!

"Make A Wish" won 1st Place Best Acting!
"Berserk" won 2nd Place Best Acting!
"Love Me Tender" won 3rd Place Best Acting!

Congratulations everyone! Despite the pandemic, we had a phenomenal screening and can't wait until next year!
Thanks to everyone who participated!