2020 Screening Schedule

Sadly, due to covid19, we had to cancel our physical screenings this year but instead we're doing an online live screening event via Zoom starting at 11am US Eastern Time on Saturday, October 10th (we're paying for Pro, it has security encryption, viewers can chat via text while watching, etc.). We always had live physical screenings in the past so we were hoping things would have improved by now but the situation is still bad in Florida and we don't want anyone to get sick or die from our festival.

Zoom link for screening: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83142554766?pwd=dGpLcVFEcE1hUE80WkF2Wlk2N29VQT09

11:00am Portrait of a Lady (5 min)
11:05pm Arris Remembers (5 min)
11:10pm Blackbile (23 min)
11:33pm Box Fort (15 min)
11:48pm The Quiet Revolution (1 hr 36 min)
1:24pm Killing Small Animals (11 min)
1:35pm Art/Form (16 min)
1:51pm Nocturne (17 min)
2:08pm The Greatest Horror Film Ever Made (13 min)
2:21pm Patrick is Outside (30 min)
2:51pm Make A Wish (9 min)
3:00pm Berserk (6 min)
3:06pm Swipe (6 min)
3:12pm Never This World (23 min)
3:35pm Mae and the Sphere (10 min)
3:45pm Cinema Red: Natives & Horror (41 min)
4:26pm The Body (12 min)
4:38pm Love Me Tender (5 min)
4:43pm Red Desert (15 min)
4:58pm Nightfall (14 min)
5:12pm The Cornfield (20 min)
5:32pm The Riemann Hypothesis (5 min)
5:37pm Split (20 min)
5:57pm Static (14 min)
6:11pm The Shasta Triangle (1 hr 14 min)
7:25pm Derelict (13 min)
7:38pm Soon Comes Night (3 min)
7:41pm Dichotomy (23 min)
8:04pm The Saverini Widow (20 min)
8:24pm RED (12 min)
8:36pm Festival Ends

Also selected but not shown online:
Bad Seed
Hauschen - A Herança

Bendix (The Origin Story)
August Sweeney: The Monster Barber of Harlem
Gatornami: Water with a Bite!
BOTS - Pilot (Black Out the Sky)
They Came from the Seaweed
Mother, Maiden, and Crone
Come Along, Harry Higgins
More Remote than Bavaria
OBSCURE: Afterschool Trauma
The Dark Behind the Door
The Last Man On Earth
Amber and Dust (Pilot)
The Bride of Darkness
Prey // City Hunt
Mirrors At Night
Walks Among Us
Over the Edge
The Orchard
Colonize This
Morrigan's Tree
I Never Knew You
Wicked Season
The Open Grave
Redheaded Venom
Day of the Lion
Malevolent Dolls
The Beasts at Bay
Welcome to Chinatown
Strange Days in Washington Park
The Impossible Room
The Man in the Hat
Matchsticks 2.0
Apollyon's Gold
City of Silence
The Typewriter
New Moon 5280
Life Sentence
Cult Crusade
The Change
Angel City
What Lurks
In Country
The Fiend
Kill Me