2021 Screening Schedule
We were really hoping we could have our physical screenings this year but sadly, the Delta variant of covid is still spreading in Florida and now so few people are wearing masks so we don't feel safe holding a live event since we can't tell who is really vaccinated or not plus when you try to check vaccine status or ask everyone to wear masks, violence can break out. Thus, we're going to have an online screening again starting at 11am US Eastern Time on Saturday, October 9th, using Zoom like we did last year (we're paying for Pro, they have security encryption, viewers can chat via text while watching, the program is free and convenient for people, etc.).
Zoom link for screening: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83631900216?pwd=T3Z4azNKNVIwN2VSdVVUSkZUTlJ0dz09
11:00am Kiss the Cook (3 min)
11:03am Yahrzeit (7 min)
11:10am A Change in Time (17 min)
11:27am TIO (13 min)
11:40am Woman of Your Dreams (8 min)
11:48am Vodi (30 min)
12:18pm Be Quiet (4 min)
12:22pm It's Me, Sarah (20 min)
12:42pm Moon Drops (16 min)
12:58pm Behind (15 min)
1:13pm T h e M (1 hr 24 min)
2:37pm Re-Animal (13 min)
2:50pm The Mission (11 min)
3:01pm Life's Work (6 min)
3:07pm Display (15 min)
3:22pm Remembrance (15 min)
3:37pm DORM (4 min)
3:41pm Blue Rose (14 min)
3:55pm Late Night Rental (5 min)
4:00pm Sawa (6 min)
4:06pm The Keeper (15 min)
4:21pm The Strong Box (10 min)
4:31pm Long Pig (9 min)
4:40pm BUST (7 min)
4:47pm Family (4 min)
4:51pm The Paintings Fabrics (5 min)
4:56pm What Happens in the Desert (10 min)
5:06pm X-Mas on Fire (12 min)
5:18pm There's No Hell Like Home (15 min)
5:33pm Kirk DeVille (8 min)
5:41pm The Red Death (17 min)
5:58pm The History of Metal and Horror (1 hr 41 min)
7:39pm Prudence (5 min)
7:44pm New Medication (14 min)
7:58pm The Barber (8 min)
8:06pm Domino (10 min)
8:16pm The Creator (5 min)
8:21pm Cinema Red: Full Native Horror (34 min)
8:55pm The Last Page (10 min)
9:05pm Festival Ends
Also selected but not shown online:
Haunted Thrills
All the Flowers That Cut Through the Earth
Fatal Ambition
Under the Leaves
The Projectionist
God Damn Evil Beasts
Redemption: Sister Bloody Mary
THE FIFTH GRAVE: A Collection of Haunting Tales
The Millhaven Chronicles
An Evening with Illness
They'll Eat You Alive!
Pandora's Adversaries
The Electric Man
Long Lost Friends
The Sake House
To Lie Beneath
Gloomy Sunday
Sight Specific
The Familiar
Sin Apple
Room Mate
Hungry Eyes
Forgive Me
The Trait